Saturday, May 9, 2009


School is almost out for the summer and the semester is coming to a sudden halt. I am often in utter disparity to see that another year has once again scrambled on by, the moment only seems to gain with time. With this momentum comes new experiences, new people, new places, new thoughts, and new wisdom. New wisdom is always sought out but how many of us have too often fallen to the wayside and merely taken the short path to finding out the information instead of truly diving in deep into the subject matter. The road we travel is a windy one, and there are many paths which we can follow. Who has the say so in which path we do decide to travel and what makes a free choice an actual free choice? Because were you not impact in some way to act on that decision that you have made? Whether that be from the media, a peer group, or perhaps even the government; it can be noted that none of us truly make our own decisions. The decision was already made before we even decide to acquire the thought into action. The thought was secretly in our subconscious minds and yet we had no ideal it was even there. What makes any of us different from one another, because when you break life down to its simplest elements we are all living the same life. We all need the same basic requirements; food, water, shelter, and companionship. With these same elements how is it that we are so vastly different from one another, our ability to provide or obtain these resources varies our social standings. And our social standings often times decides on what our new wisdom will be. 

Thanks to whoever reads this, its a viewpoint on life might be a little out there but I like to challenge my way of thinking and express what I am thinking openly. 

Also how about I just now talk about the day, it was a Friday. (TGIF) And well I did not have to go into work today, well I did. However, I thought I just had to pick up these auxillary signs and mail them out to Autocrib in Santa Ana California. This is where my first delay came into play, I did not have a box to ship the signs in and thus I traveled to Ace Hardware. Once inside the Ace Hardware I proceeded to check around the store and all throughout the isles for a shipping box, after several of minutes of searching for this material I asked an available store helper where the boxes were located. He showed me and the only box that could fit the length o these signs was a box that was huge, being that it was Friday and I still needed to go Mothers Day shopping I decided to just get it. Outside in the 102 degree weather I proceeded to construct this monstrous box and put the 6 signs inside the box and travel to the UPS store. I truly despise the UPS store because there is always like an hour long line. While I am in line I am preying that they will ship this huge box, every inch of the way up the line I can feel my confidence lunging down and down. To make matters worse a Navajo Indian lady in front of me just out and farts and I think she thought it was a subtle one because she did not even look hesitant or look back. Finally I get to the window of the mail lady, I put my ginormous box on the scale and she says it will be $16.98 and I am thinking to myself woo hoo the box made it through. Just until she breaks out the measuring tape and measure the length and width of the package and transcends into telling me that there will be a surcharge and the total is now $68.32, but she says that I can step to the side and cut it down if possible. Using my quick intuition I decide this is a novel decision and start cutting away I took about 7 inches off the length of this package. Now I have to tape the top back on and I run out of tape. Now I am at the UPS mercy and I have to purchase the packing tape which is an additional $3, and tape my box very secure. The box gets taped and I go to the window, the total is now $20, I pay and leave. Now you can see I have reasons why the UPS is a bad place to be at during a Friday afternoon. 

Later in the day I decided to go Mothers Day shopping and where do you think the place of destination was for such an event? The mall, I can hardly stand the mall it is just filled with a bunch of useless stuff we don't really need in the first place. Traveling through the mall I am trying to ponder a good present for my mother, when I come across Hallmark and realize I don't even have a card for starters. Since I have no obligations I browse through their endless amounts of cards displaying mothers day greetings. After roughly 20 to 30 minutes I find the absolute best card, I think she is going to be impressed. and I also purchase one for my step mom. For my mother I get a woodwick candle that smelled delicious, it was like an orchid field of fresh blossoms of oranges right when they decide to open up. 

After the time spent at the the mall (The Circus) I decide to surprise Jessica and go to her Starbucks, well the one she told me that she works at. The first night we met at Laurens party she told me she worked off Val Vista and Baseline. I get to the Starbucks and go to the counter and to my surprise Jessica is no where to be seen and I am thinking crap was I not listening to Jessica when she told me the location of her store. Since I am already at Starbucks it is the perfect opportunity to get a high quality H2O product and also a giftcard for my mother. When I am waiting for my water I am trying to put the giftcard inside its package and it was tough. Right as soon as I look up Jessica is walking towards  me and a huge swoop of relief came across me. Jessica and I walk outside and decide that we should go get some food, since Jessica was on break. We go over to Paradise Bakery, where the service was a little slower than usual, and we order the same sandwich. Two great minds must have identical stomachs. I remember that I have a free meal card and so does Jessica so we totally scored and got our meals for free tonight. I was super happy and yeah just a good day.

Until Next Time I am Cameron Rutherig, You stay Sunny Arizona

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